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Michigan State Taxes

Michigan State Taxes

State Taxes at a Glance – Michigan

Type of Tax2024
Individual Rates4.25% (flat tax)
Corporate / Business Tax Rates6.00% (flat tax)
Gross Receipts TaxNone
Sales Tax6.00%
Property Taxes1.38% as a percentage of primary home
Estate or Inheritance TaxNone

State Income Taxes in Michigan

Michigan is one of a few states with a flat individual income tax. Michigan’s individual tax rate is 4.25% of your total income.

Local Income Tax Rates – in addition to your state tax, there are 23 or so cities and counties in Michigan that assess an additional local tax rate. The tax local tax rate is between 1% to 2.4% for residents. If you’re a non-resident of Michigan, your local tax rate is cut in half (0.50% to 1.2%).

State Business Taxes in Michigan

The state of Michigan has a flat Corporate Tax rate of 6.00%. For other business entities that are flow-thru entities, such as S Corporations, Partnerships, LLCs, etc., they are taxed the individual income tax rate of 4.25%

Property and Sales Taxes in Michigan

Sales Tax – unlike many other states Michigan has a single sales tax rate, at the state level. The state rate is 6.00%

Property Taxes in Michigan – The average property tax rate for residential property in the state of Michigan is 1.38% making it more expensive than other states (the national average is 1.08%).

Homestead – The state of Michigan does have a homestead tax credit. You must meet the following tests

  • Your primary home is in Michigan
  • Have lived there for over 6 months
  • You own or pay rent in Michigan
  • Your home’s taxable value is < $135,000
  • Your income is < $60,000

If you need more information, here’s a link to the website on homestead.

Michigan DMV Fee

Michigan’s DMV fees are based on vehicle’s MSRP value. Since it’s based on the value of the vehicle, it’s considered an Ad Valorem tax, and is deductible on your personal tax return. You may learn more about your Michigan’s DMV Fees here.

Michigan Domicile

Michigan’s presumption is that it’s your domicile if you’ve lived there for over 183 months and that you also maintain a place of abode.

State Tax on Social Security Benefits

Even though Michigan has an income tax, social security benefits are not subject to state tax in “The Great Lakes State.”

Payroll taxes in Michigan

Unemployment taxes usually consist of three factors. They are the wage base, range of rates, number of schedules. Below is an outline of the three:

  • Wage Base – Michigan has a wage base of $9,500 
  • UI Rates – range from 0.06% to 10.30% which is high for UI
  • Schedules – Michigan has multiple rate schedules regarding UI

Michigan Business Entities – LLCs

Michigan is an inexpensive state to open an LLC. Here are some important facts:

  • Michigan’s annual LLC fee at only $25.
  • When you register with the state, you pay a one time fee of $50
  • Secretary of State of Michigan website – click here

Michigan Tax Phone Numbers

Important phone numbers for the Michigan Department of Taxation:

  • Website:
  • Phone# for Individuals – (517) 636-4486
  • Phone# for Businesses – (517) 636-6925